Data Fields

All resulting data is stored in tab-separated-value TSV files easily openable with spreadsheet or text-editor software. This format is also supported by most software applications as well. When data is too large to store in a single file, multiple partition data files will be available. Each of these files consists of the following columns.


These fields are always available & are used to identify a space-time slice.

Field Type Description
area_id UUID Unique hexadecimal string identifying specific areas. This field is part of the space-time key & is useful to join with other data products.
time_start timestamp Inclusive UTC moment in time when measurement begins. In the form of YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss+00
time_finish timestamp Exclusive UTC moment in time when measurement ends. In the form of YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss+00


These fields provide auxiliary contextual information to normalize payload as necessary.

Field Type Description
time_zone list ISO timezone code identifying the measured area’s time offset from UTC. This is useful to make relative time comparisons between regions that have different time zones. For large un-granular areas that span multiple time zones, all applicable codes are listed by decreasing surface area coverage.
population real Interpolated number of people living in the measured area. These are derived from 2016 Census Canada but enhanced for habitable hyper-local areas. This is useful for transforming scores to absolute per capita values when comparing across different areas & time periods.
area_km2 real Total projected surface in km2 of the measured area including waters & land regions. This is useful for transforming scores to absolute per area values when comparing across different areas & time periods.


These optional fields are provied to visualize results on a map.

Field Type Description
geom WKT, GeoJSON or lat/lng Geometry describing the measured area. These are encoded in standard format usable in other geo-spatial tools. Geometries are useful for visualisation or analytical purposes. They may be expressed as exact polygon areas or simplified as centroid points.

Sentiment Payload

These fields correspond to the sentiment data product being measured.

Field Type Description
sentiment.neg percent Relative proportion of negative sentiment measured in the given space-time.
sentiment.neu percent Relative proportion of neutral sentiment measured in the given space-time.
sentiment.pos percent Relative proportion of positive sentiment measured in the given space-time.

Quality Tracking

These fields provide a quality indication of each measurement.

Field Type Description
audit.n integer Number of total events within the space-time used to derive the sentiment. This is useful to gauge activity volume & statistical validity of measurement.
audit.conf percent Average confidence of all sentiments within the measured space-time. This is useful to gauge the strength of the result.